The dark secrets of the wicked are exposed like men in the infrared (IR) light seen through the lens of night vision.  One night in Afghanistan my unit was engaged in missions in the mountains to draw out the enemy from hiding. The day had been filled with grim excitement from an ambush that occurred on a narrow road just five hours before. The attack apprised the commanders of enemy activity in the area and so we went looking for them. Late that night as we were looking through our NOD’s (Night Optical/Observation Devices) the Combat Controller requested that the hillside be “lit up.” Suddenly from a very high altitude an unmanned drone shined a bright IR light which lit up the entire mountain side like the sun. This exposed a column of about four men running covertly along a hill side. They were completely oblivious to the light that was shining on them because they couldn’t see it with their naked eyes. Only those with special optical equipment could see the light. They just kept running in a broken formation in the dark as if they were hidden. The truth was that they were very much exposed! One was killed and the others apprehended for questioning. This human technology is primitive at best compared to the ability of God (who is Light) to see every nook and cranny of the dark world. There are no secrets from God…

Jeremiah 23:23 – “Can anyone hide himself in secret places, So I shall not see him?” says the Lord; “Do I not fill heaven and earth?” says the Lord.

Those who are in darkness are dancing in plain view of the Lord who judges righteously. It amazes me how upset people become when you talk about absolutes concerning Gods judgment on sin. The world with all its wickedness tries to justify sinful behavior by trying to change the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things (Romans 1:23). Its not hard to understand how God can make a distinction between those who are His and those who are not. Sin and wickedness are harmful to His children…

Picture this: a murdering thief with a gang of thugs standing outside your front door. They are ready to kill your entire family as they sleep soundly in their beds and pillage everything you revere and hold valuable for a simple profit. Would you not instantly make a distinction between them and your family? Would you not give your own life to protect your family from harm? Would you not be enraged at the very prospect of such evil intentions? Or would you passively wait for it to happen because it is their right to express themselves or to be their own god without consequence or accountability (Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law – Aliester Crowley: Pagan law of Thelema). Sides would clearly be drawn! It wouldn’t matter one bit to the Father of the house what those thugs think of Him or believe is their “right”.

The intent of demons towards humanity is to murder and steal precious life. It may appear for the moment that everything isn’t as extreme as I have illustrated it, but neither in human terms, did the situation seem as extreme for the Jews who were led by the Nazis’ to their mass murder under the pretense of taking a shower. No one who intends to rob or kill someone will show their real intentions to that person/s first. Its either sudden and unexpected or subtle and packaged in lies. The devil is real and doesn’t care what side your on. He has convinced many that Jesus Christ is just another myth or Christianity a man-made institution that seeks control over people. This is as far from the Truth as the prospect of water flowing up a mountain rather than down it. What Satan provides is a tasty plate of well cooked food with a tasteless and odorless poison sprinkled on top. People are devouring it and asking for seconds without even knowing that it is destroying them forever. This is heartbreaking!

The very animosity and hatred that people have of Christianity is a distinction they have made because they perceive Christians as  “arrogant” and “closed minded.” They may wonder at our weariness with having spent enough of our past lifetime in doing the will of the Gentiles (worldliness)—when we walked in lewdness, lusts, drunkenness, revelries, drinking parties, and abominable idolatries; and they think its strange that we do not run with them in the same flood of dissipation. They then speak evil of us without understanding the harm these things really do in the end (1 Peter 4:3-2). The hatred they feel towards Christians is in my opinion a distorted image that they see backwards and can’t proportion or read correctly. This incites judgments based on fear and defensiveness that are just as biased as the accusations that we’re hypocrites. Christians may look like others and have the same feelings and emotions, but when it is all said and done we are different, not because we don’t still sin, but because we have died to the sinful flesh and been made alive to God through the Cross of Christ – born again (John 3:1-21).

Human beings naturally gravitate towards those things that will not make them feel lower than what they already feel about themselves. Satan uses this as a tactic for keeping people out of God’s Light. How can they make such bitter insinuations about Christians without there being some level of animosity towards what they feel conflicts with their beliefs or views. True Christians know their wretchedness without Christ; they know they are nothing without Jesus and are only protected under His roof. Who wouldn’t make that distinction if the threat was real? The threat is real and it isn’t only aimed towards Christians. Those without Christ are in a worse state because they are unprotected and ignorant servants of a murdering thief! They are the expendable thugs Satan has conscripted for the sole purpose of dispensing them to their own foolishness after their usefulness has expired (Like the opening scenes in Batman: The Dark Knight, when the Joker slays all the men who helped him rob the bank when the job was done).

Revelation 12:12  –  Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.”

Now picture this: The same scenario as above but the Man of the house comes out to greet the murdering thugs and says to them, “I know your hearts and what you plan to do, and its all wrong. Turn from this wickedness and I will forgive you. Come and eat with me and my family – better yet, let me adopt you and you will live in peace and safety for all of eternity as my beloved children.”

This is what God has done! He has offered life everlasting and peace to those who were once His enemies. This is unfathomable but is real and obtainable to those who receive it in the name of Jesus Christ. Satan and the demons will never have this same opportunity to be highly valued in this way and so they relentlessly try and keep people from receiving God’s grace – all the while with their spiritual eyes having to look at it with hopeless disdain and resentment.

The important thing we need to remember is that God does not make the distinction between righteous people and evil people (that time will certainly come). He makes the distinction between people who have opted to become His children by being cleansed by the precious Blood of the Lamb and those who defiantly opt out for the sake of having their temporal kicks in the darkness.  We make distinctions every day. People without the Truth choose to classify their distinctions under different names and pretenses such as “tolerance.”  This is done partly so that what is inherently perceived as wrong in themselves can be buffered with the noise of many empty ideas and belief systems. The fact is, that without Christ we are lost in a world of choices that all lead to the same end – death. When He cleanses us we are free and do not have to feel the condemnation of inadequacy or failure anymore. We are on the right side when on His side! If that sounds prideful or arrogant then so be it. I will not be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ (Romans 1:16)!