This is the way, walk in it (Isaiah 30:21) … The essence of this word from God, though spoken to Israel, has resounded throughout the ages from one generation of mankind to another in order that man might never stray from the Light of Truth without knowing there is something intrinsically missing when they do. There is hope in God who has provided a way for us to live in the full assurance that He loves us and that He is committed to shaping us into perfect spiritual Saints who are destined for eternity. We are confident in our faith with a certainty that shines through the clouds where God presently cloaks Himself; but certainty does not always give comfort when there is none to be found in His silence. Just because we are certain of something doesn’t always mean our heads will be lifted. A good worker will do their duty no matter what is felt from the Master they serve. We need only be instructed once for our lives to produce the fruits of righteousness in any circumstance, whether elevated or debased. Our trials of faith are pleasing in His sight when our lives are pliable to work the fields while it is still day. Why do we need anything more from Him when He has told us what to do? He is with us as surely as the light of the sun is in the day! One can work just as hard with a bad attitude than with a good one.  In Him we will triumph over this life filled with evil, pain, sorrows, and doubts. There is hope that our labor of endurance is not in vain! Our destiny is sealed and the time will come when our faith is made sight. All the sufferings of this present time will be forgotten in a place where time has no more constraints and where the Glory of God will be revealed in us (Romans 8:18)!